No major celebration of patriotism would be complete without a large dose of fireworks, and Canada “popped, snapped and sizzled” at the end of its’ Canada Day celebrations in style! The glorious splashes of colour burst forth in the starry skies, and with only the occasional spot of cloud cover, the brilliance of the sparkling spectacle was not missed by anyone!
Living as part of Canada’s capital region, we are privileged to see our country’s diverse ethnic and celebratory styles in many forms and venues. The “oohs and ahhs” of the crowds said it all. Attendance numbers were record-breaking across most of the country, and flags were waved proudly from sea to shining sea! Elated crowds, clad in red and white clothing, sported temporary red and white flag tattoos, and the delighted children waved their sparklers high and wildly!
What we experienced, the night before, was the simplicity of sitting on the docks at our friends’ home on the Ottawa River and creating our own personal display over the water. We were only too delighted as we lit and relit, to see even more small shows erupting across the river in Quebec, and downstream on the shores of one of our provincial parks, located in another nearby community.
For Canada Day itself, as has been our routine for many years, we join friends and friends-of-friends for a potluck-barbeque supper and head into a nearby town, with kids and lawn-chairs in tow, to watch the fireworks lob over the horse-shoe shaped falls and flowing rivers. In addition, the many boaters in the area come upstream and anchor themselves to get a front-row seat of the skyward production, creating little bobbling light shows of their own on the shimmering surfaces.
Perched on my seat and watching these beautiful bursts of colour, I likened them to snowflakes. Each one unique, and with no two ever alike!
As they banged and echoed off the surroundings, the brilliance of light would illuminate the focused faces of the crowds that were gathered on the hillside all around us. One could not help but note the smiles and the impact that the tiny sparklers and aerial eruptions caused.
As I studied these marvels of showmanship, each created to give a “fairy-tale punch” to any special occasion that they could ever be used for, I noticed a plane flying a few extra thousand feet higher and wondered what an incredible view they must have had flying over the fireworks below them that night! I did the “child-like faith” thing and wondered if God, Himself, was enjoying the colours that He had created, and if when studying the faces of His children as they watched, did He wish that we would celebrate and focus on Him with such excitement and intensity.
Sparklers burn slower and progressively as opposed to fireworks, which are created to launch and explode. Both are created to make an impact and to grab an instantaneous, emotional response. I just wonder if our personal walks and relationships with Christ leave the impact of sparklers or fireworks in the world!
Do we generate a small spark around us... burn slowly... haphazardly... spewing randomly in our output and design... like a sparkler? Or, are we pointed... focused in our aim... and purposed in our design... and ready to explode with impact in our faith... like a firework?
Are we, "like sparklers and fireworks", leaving a memorable impression on the hearts and minds of those around us, as we work together in creating a marvelous show of Light... or are we a stand-alone example of showmanship? And, are we making an impact on His behalf, not just on special occasions, but everyday of our lives?
How about you? Are you a sparkler or a firecracker?
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